DUTCH Testing

What is wrong with me?!?

Alright fellas, this is not directed towards you, but may benefit someone you know, love and care about so if you’re down for some period talk, hang out with us.  If not, just skim past this post and we’ll catch ya later.

Ladies, have you ever felt like something “just isn’t right”?  This is a common complaint I hear from females which when we talk about other symptoms I hear complaints of chronic fatigue (regardless of how much sleep you’ve gotten), difficulty losing weight, constipation or diarrhea during either ovulation or before your cycle, anxiety, depression, fertility concerns, acne, irregular periods, temperature dysregulation, hair loss, heavy periods, low libido, etc. 

Often times talking to patients who have these complaints, they have brought it up to other medical providers and are written off.  Commonly told “well you have X amount of kids, of course you’re tired” or “there isn’t really a good way to test hormones”.  I often hear too about providers putting their patients on birth control for a period problem.  Can I give you a little insight here?  You don’t have a period problem because of a lack of birth control in your life.  You don’t have fertility issues because you don’t have enough Clomid in your life either.  While often times they are helpful, they seldom address the root cause of why you have period or fertility problems. 

I use several approaches to addressing hormone issues with patients.  One of which is ordering blood lab tests.  I often find providers ordering only a TSH to test for thyroid issues instead of all of the lab tests to address root causes of thyroid issues or even if it’s a thyroid issue at all!  Sometimes we’re looking for vitamin deficiencies.  I also utilize what is called a DUTCH test to address most cycle problems.  While labs are helpful, they only give me a snapshot of one point of your health throughout the day.  The DUTCH test allows me offer patients the most extensive sex and adrenal hormone testing along with assessing their metabolites over a 24 hour period.

Let’s get to the root cause of this and get you feeling amazing again shall we?!  To schedule your hormone consult, call our office (you’ll get in sooner) or book online.  I would love to sit down and help you address your hormonal disruptions and get them solved once and for all in a holistic, natural way.