How Can Aromatherapy be Emotionally Beneficial?

Each of us experience emotions in so many ways, and our responses to those emotions can have a negative or a positive impact on our emotional and physical health. There are several essential oils that are useful in promoting uplifting feelings and are proven to help manage emotions. 

With high quality essential oils being pure and potent, they are used to help soothe, calm and uplift emotions in a natural way. Citrus Bliss for example, is an invigorating blend that is used in different ways to help uplift your mood and leave you feeling energized. 

When these aromas are inhaled, they travel to the olfactory system by the olfactory nerve. The olfactory nerve is connected to the limbic system which is a part of the brain where our emotions and memory are stored. The limbic system then produces a response. This then creates an immediate rush of feelings, which is also known as an emotional response. 

Understanding the chemistry behind each oil makes it easy to target emotions and manage our mood. This is because it allows us to produce a specific response within the brain. Oils that are taken from trees, herbs, and grasses for example, promote soothing, renewing, and grounding feelings.  

The key to successful mood management through aromatherapy is to understand the benefits each oil has to offer. As you learn the chemical makeup of each oil, and its benefits for emotion, you will be more equipped to select the right oil(s) to create the right emotional response you desire. 

You can look at our social media to see a description of each essential oil or even the DoTerra website to see how each oil can be of benefit to you!

The essential oils that we use in the massage room and are available for purchase in our office include:

Citrus Bliss  







Deep Blue 

