What do I do if there isn’t an appointment available when I want to come in?

We realize that Dr. Jessi as well as our massage therapists can get busy and sometimes their schedules are full when you want to schedule an appointment. We want to get you in when you want to come in! Did you know we have a cancellation list for both Dr. Jessi and the massage therapists? Give us a call (or tell us when rescheduling in our office) and let us know you want to be added to the cancellation list. This way we know who to call when appointments do open up on our schedules.

We also do have urgent appointments each week. That is another reason why you should call if you have something going on! We will do our best to schedule an appointment for you but do know that there are limited openings. Those appointments are not as flexible but we will do our best to see you especially if you need to get in!

If both of those options aren't working well for you just as a reminder we do have sport recovery appointments available everyday. This may be a good option as well as you can schedule cupping, cold laser, e-stim, graston, kinesiology taping, and normatec.

We want to see you and we want you to feeling good which is why we have options! Never hesitate to reach out to us and we figure out what will work best for you!