3 Ways that Athletes and Non-Athletes benefit from seeing Sport Chiropractor

      1. Recover better from the strain on your body during sports.

Many athletes talk about the positive effects of chiropractic care.  Athletic performance involves a combination of speed and coordination, flexibility and strength.  When the nervous system presents with an interference, it can wreck havoc on other premium functions of other body systems.  For example, a baseball pitcher presenting with shoulder pain may also experience headaches.  We can alleviate the pain with adjustments and rehab techniques to not only restore full strength and ROM of the pitching arm, we can also alleviate the headaches that the involved systems may be contributing to.

      2. Treat sport injures with non-invasive and drug-free modalities.

Athletes experience many benefits from chiropractic care.  Adjustments do help manage and treat injuries, but also help relieve the strain from high and lower impact sports on the body.  A patient with a chronic ankle injury can benefit from adjustments and other modalities can increase motion, decrease pain, provide better ankle function and get you back to playing—pain free!

Many studies have shown that care from a sports chiropractor help athletes recover from injuries without reliance of pain medication and invasive surgeries.  Some modalities that we use with patients include: manual therapy—releasing the muscles and stretching through a range of motion, strengthening weak muscles, Graston Technique, and more! 

And to clarify, NO, you do not need to suffer an injury to be seen.  As Tom Brady has said, “Chiropractic just makes you feel so much better. When I walk out of the clinic, I feel like I’m about three inches taller and everything’s in place. And as long as I see the chiropractor, I feel like I’m one step ahead of the game.”  We sure like that!

      3. Reduce the risk of injuries and enhance performance.

Our goal with patients is to provide a comprehensive program to reduce the risk of injuries.  Evaluations during your visit include, orthopedic testing, neurological examinations, and subsequent physical exams that may help aid in appropriate diagnosis and treatment recommendations for a patient. 

Pretty cool huh?  Whether you are looking to improve performance, recover better from the strain from training, or treat an active injury, we are here for you!  You don’t need to suffer in pain alone.