What is Ankle Mobility and why should you care?

Ankle mobility involves the motion available at the joints of the ankle, but most commonly the talocrural joint—where the shin and the top bone of the ankle meet. This joint is responsible for the ankle dorsiflexion (pulling toes up towards yourself motion) and plantarflexion (pointing your toes). 

If your ankle is “stiff” or your mobility is limited (especially in dorsiflexion), your athletic performance can be limited and increase risk of other injuries—plantar fasciitis, achilles tendinopathies, strains, knee pain, IT band syndrome, and more.  Limitation of these ranges of motion can limit everyday tasks such as ascending and descending stairs, achieving an optimal squat depth and lateral athletic movements. 

Want to learn more?  Join Mychal and I on Wednesday, July 12th at 7pm for an Ankle Mobility Workshop here in the office.  Sign up by calling the office or by using this link:  https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ankle-mobility-workshop-tickets-661123146127?fbclid=IwAR1a3A9V_FZXUczb1RUZWXci806JIjFw3bdxhxVoEGlbh6gN2EnxIz5NQNc

We will be covering how to assess ankle mobility yourself, restrictions of the ankle, mobilization techniques, soft tissue modalities and exercises to help improve your ankle mobility (and make it stick!)